Period 5 & 6 Mini Teach Information-NEW REQUIREMENTS!

Student Mini-Teaches-NEW REQUIREMENTS!


Due to the new Distance Learning restrictions, the way you present your mini teach semester projects has changed. All of the students who were scheduled from March 12th through the end of this school year are now required to submit your mini teach project in the following format explained below. If you are unsure of which date you were assigned, the original dates are still on the project schedule pages on this website. Your project is still worth 10 grades. You have had your assignments and presentation dates since January and for those who joined our class after that, you had your assignment and presentation date since the first week you got scheduled into my class. 


1) You will submit your mini teach the date it was originally due. For those students whose dates were due between March 12th to March 30, you will submit by April 6th. For everyone, I will not accept any assignments after your due date. You have had plenty of time to work on your projects. I encourage you to submit them early, before the date they're due. I'd be happy to accept your projects before your due date. When I receive your assignment, I will evaluate whether or not you followed the guidelines and let you know what grade you earned. If you do no hear from me within 3 days, you can assume I did not received any assignment from you or that I was unable to access it. Please be proactive and take responsibility for your assignments. 


2) You can submit your presentation one of two ways. You can submit your presentation in a Powerpoint presentation format or you can submit your presentation in a Word document. Both of these platforms are available to you through your student portal, No excuses!!  YOU CANNOT CHANGE THE MUSICIAN, GROUP OR GENRE. You made your choices. You need to stick with them. 

For Powerpoint presentations, I need at least 6 pages.

Page 1: Title page - Your full name and period (either 5th or 6th) and Name of Musician, Group or Genre. 

Page 2: Background Information- examples would be birth date, place, family, early life, how they got interested in music, how they started their musical career

Page 3: Information on their career

Page 4: Awards and recognitions

Page 5: Your 10 questions and answers

Page 6: Video link to a representative video of the musician, group or genre


For Word documents, I need at least 6 pages

Page 1: Title page - Your full name and period (either 5th or 6th) and Name of Musician, Group or Genre. 

Page 2: Background Information- examples would be birth date, place, family, early life, how they got interested in music, how they started their musical career

Page 3: Information on their career

Page 4: Awards and recognitions

Page 5: Your 10 questions and answers

Page 6: Video link to a representative video of the musician, group or genre



Beginning on April 6th, grades for the 4th grading period will be posted on the official M-DCPS gradebook. These grades will count toward your final grade in every class. 

Student Attendance (K-12)

Beginning April 6th, 2020, Official Daily School Attendance will be captured using the Student Portal, and students will be counted in attendance only if they log into the portal. Students should be encouraged to log in during their regular scheduled school hours.


Check your page (5th period Distance Learning assignments or 6th period Distance Learning assignments) for your weekly assignments.  For the week of March 30 only, your assignment will count as an extra credit grade. 

You can always email me to ask any questions.  My office hours are from noon to 3pm. Any email sent outside of those hours will be answered the next school day. 

if you have been following instructions, you will be able to succeed in all of your school work. 

Stay at home. Help your parents and family members as much as you can. If you must go out, practice safe social distancing. Wash your hands! We will all get through this together. Stay safe!  smiley



Each individual student will present a music project mini teach based on a favorite musician, group or genre. Your presentation must last at least 10 minutes. The project is worth 10 grades. This is considered your semester project. Your project will be scheduled well in advance so you have at least 2 weeks to prepare for your presentation.

If you need copies for the class, it is your responsibility to get enough copies for each student. Mrs. Carballo will tell you how many you need but she cannot make them for you. No one in the middle school office will make them for you either. DON’T ASK!! Sometimes copies can be avoided by asking Mrs. Carballo if she would allow you to post your materials up on the Promethean board. You would need to put anything you want to display on a flash (thumb) drive so Mrs. Carballo can upload it onto the board.

If you are unprepared the day you are supposed to present, you can reschedule ONE TIME ONLY but you will not be able to earn full credit for the rescheduled date. You will forfeit 2 letter grades. If you have an unexcused absence the day you are supposed to present, you will not have a chance to reschedule and will receive an “F” for the project grade.

Of course, all materials must be appropriate for school. Any materials, song lyrics, or anything else of that nature which Mrs. Carballo deems inappropriate will be immediately stopped and the mini-teach will result in an F and a discipline consequence will also be issued for the infraction.

Just handing out lyrics and asking us to sing for 10 minutes is not an acceptable project presentation. Just speaking for 3 minutes and playing a video for 7 minutes isn't acceptable either. The point of the project is for YOU to teach US something about your favorite musician, group or genre. Be creative! Wheel of Fortune, Musical Jeopardy, Tic Tac Toe have all been successful games centered around musicians and projects. You can show a biography from about your person or group and make up questions about the story. Every presentation, unless it has a game at the end MUST HAVE AT LEAST 10 QUESTIONS for the class to answer. You can make a word search or crossword puzzle to go with your story at

Have fun! With some good ideas and a little ahead of time planning, you are sure to have a successful mini-teach! Good luck! J